Ryan T. Moore is a Senior Social Scientist in The Lab @ DC and Associate Professor of Government at American University. While anchoring statistical and scientific integrity efforts at The Lab, Ryan has focused on projects in the economic security, housing, health, and public safety domains.
Ryan’s research interests center around statistical political methodology, with applications in American social policy. He develops and implements methods for political experiments, ecological data, missing data, causal inference, and geolocated data. Among his publications are twelve peer-reviewed journal articles, a book chapter, and four software packages and applications. His work has appeared in Political Analysis, The Lancet, and the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, among other outlets.
Ryan is an affiliate of the research network Evidence in Governance and Politics (EGAP) and American University’s Center for Data Science. He was a doctoral fellow of Harvard’s Inequality and Social Policy program and a graduate associate of the Institute for Quantitative Social Science (IQSS). Between 2010 and 2012, he was Scholar in Health Policy Research at the University of California, Berkeley.
Ryan received his Ph.D. in government and social policy from Harvard University. While pursuing his Ph.D., he earned an A.M. in statistics. His B.A. is from Yale University in political science and mathematics. Ryan lives in Ward 3, where he enjoys cycling the length of the Ward border on the Capital Crescent Trail.